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Keto Savage Podcast

Podcast discussing fitness lifestyle, the keto diet, science, nutrition, contest prep, the fitness industry, business, and the pursuit of happiness!  There will be several different podcast guests that will consist of athletes, experts in the health and nutrition industry, and other people of interest!

Sep 29, 2017

Crystal Love returns to talk about overcoming adversity with her skeletal and digestive issues.  She dives into the details about our new coaching collaboration/partnership with the Ketovangelist team.  Crystal also alludes to her plans to compete in a figure competition in 2018!!!

Sep 23, 2017

This is the HARDEST $100 dollars I've ever earned in my entire life!  This is a plea to follow your heart, believe in yourself, hustle, and LEAVE A LEGACY!!

Sep 22, 2017

In this episode of The Keto Savage Podcast, Danny Vega and I dive into our experience with eating disorders.  We also cover our upcoming 3-month keto bodybuilding experiment.  We even allude to a little collaboration/partnership that is in the works!  All kinds of great info on this one so tune in and...