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Keto Savage Podcast

Podcast discussing fitness lifestyle, the keto diet, science, nutrition, contest prep, the fitness industry, business, and the pursuit of happiness!  There will be several different podcast guests that will consist of athletes, experts in the health and nutrition industry, and other people of interest!

May 31, 2021

What would be the catalyst for you to make changes that would lead to living a vibrant, enriched life? Today I welcome Mathew Panattoni to the podcast to discuss his lifestyle changes and what they mean for him and his family. He emailed me to share his story and I was inspired. It’s my pleasure to share this episode...

May 28, 2021

If experimenting with your nutrition to discover what could help you live a life free from pain and inflammation, would you be willing to make the sacrifice for your health? On today’s episode, Robb and I discuss everything from electrolytes to regenerative agriculture.

May 24, 2021

When you suffer from addiction, be it food or substances, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. How would your life change if you took the steps to admit you need help and begin the journey to recovery?

May 21, 2021

My good friend and former client, Adam Fuller, visited with us at the compound in Arkansas to put us through a strong man workout and to discuss his delicious products through Keto Explorer. It was wonderful to see him in person and I’m thrilled to share this episode with you.

May 17, 2021

(Please be advised, today’s episode deals with infant loss.)
How could your life change if you turned a tragedy into inspiration? In today’s episode, I spoke with Daniel Hale who lives everyday as a tribute to his infant daughter, Bridget, whom he and his wife lost to Trisomy 18 at 31 days old.